Sunday, January 30, 2011

MPEG Streamclip save as a preset

It is helpful once you figure out the right "recipe" for your video exports to save the settings so you don't have to re-do the settings each time you export a new video.  MPEG Stremclip provides an easy way to do this via presets.

In your exporter window select Presets and a new window will open.  In that window select New.

You will be asked if you want to create a new preset, here you just select Yes.

You will be provided an opportunity to name the preset, make it make sense (unlike my name I use!) and select OK.  From here you can then select Make MP4.

The next time you use MPEG Streamclip you just then select Presets and then select the preset you set then select Load then Make MP4.

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